Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What Do I Want?

People would ask me what do I want, and the answer was simple; happiness.

I wanted to put all the sadness behind me and find pure happiness. But after searching well over a year for this destination I named 'happiness' I realized it's impossible. Happiness is not a place, it is a feeling. The achievement of over powering of joy and satisfaction led me to believe that happiness was the final outcome of the completion, not the fact that I tried for something and succeeded. I now realize that accomplishing simple goals/tasks and furthering my dreams everyday is my happiness. Sometimes the happiness will come and sometimes it will inevitably go, but that is no excuse to stop trying. When one accepts that happiness is a feeling not a destination, joie de vivre is found.

Borrowed by:Weheartit


Diana Mieczan said...

That is so very true....Happiness is a feeling not a place...I love the way you write:) Kisses, my dear
Happy Tuesday

Sarah said...

Happiness is always my goal too :)